Calls going to the mobile device's voicemail
1. If the calls are ringing to your cell phone and going to your phone's voicemail, when you do not answer them you will need to adjust the phone timeout options for your agent. This controls how long inContact will try to ring your phone before sending the call to the next available agent. This must be set so that the time out is lower than the time it takes for your phone to send calls to voicemail. 15 to 20 seconds is generally a good setting.
SEE BELOW for directions on FIVE9 or CXOne platforms
2. Your phone may be blocking the call based on the Caller ID configured on your business unit. Please check your blocked phone numbers list on your mobile device. If you find the Caller ID listed in your blocked numbers, simply unblock it. Additionally, some cell providers or applications on your phone can cause calls to be blocked and sent directly to your phones voicemail. An easy way to test this is to login in with your cell phone on the MAX agent console and try to take or place a call. if the calls are going straight to your phones voicemail on both MAX and the Ternio Switch you will need to work with your carrier to unblock the number.
For CXOne Ring Timing:
For Five9 Ring Timing:
The ring timer needs to be adjusted for your team. See the image below. In the Transfer to Agent section, there is the max ring time section. That dictates how long a call will ring to any agent before it moves on to the next agent. It should be 20 seconds or less. You can adjust until it doesn’t drop into the Personal mobile VMs, but 20 seconds should be about right.
This a function of the skill transfer module, so it needs to be updated for every skill transfer module they use where this is happening.